Happy Mothers Day quotes

1. A mother is the only person who can take a licking and come out smiling.
2. A mother’s love is like a beacon of light, guiding her children through the storms of life.
3. A mother is a friend, a confidant, a teacher, and a role model. She is the one who is always there for her children, no matter what.
4. A mother’s love is unconditional. It is a love that knows no bounds and that lasts a lifetime.
5. A mother is the most important person in a child’s life. She is the one who shapes their character and helps them to become the people they are meant to be.
6. A mother is a gift from God. She is a precious treasure that should be cherished.
7. A mother is a woman who sacrifices her own needs for the sake of her children. She puts their needs before her own and works tirelessly to ensure that they have everything they need to grow and thrive.
8. A mother is a teacher. She teaches her children about the world around them and how to live in it. She teaches them about right and wrong, good and evil, and how to make good choices.
9. A mother is a friend. She is someone her children can always count on for support, love, and understanding. She is someone they can talk to about anything, no matter how big or small.
10. A mother is a role model. She is someone her children look up to and aspire to be like. She is someone they can learn from and who sets a good example for them to follow.
11. A mother is a source of strength. She is someone her children can always turn to for strength and support. She is someone who believes in them and who helps them to believe in themselves.
12. A mother is a gift. She is a precious treasure that should be cherished.

13. A mother is a woman who holds her children close to her heart and teaches them to soar.
14. A mother is a woman who sacrifices her own dreams for the dreams of her children.
15. A mother is a woman who is always there, no matter what.
16. A mother is a woman who is strong enough to raise a child alone, if need be.
17. A mother is a woman who is patient, kind, and loving.
18. A mother is a woman who is always willing to lend a helping hand.
19. A mother is a woman who is always there to listen, even when her child doesn’t want to talk.
20. A mother is a woman who is always there to offer a hug, even when her child doesn’t want one.
21. A mother is a woman who is always there to celebrate her child’s successes.
22. A mother is a woman who is always there to comfort her child during their failures.
23. A mother is a woman who is always there to love her child unconditionally.
24. A mother is a woman who is always there.

25. A mother is a person who sees the good in you, even when you can’t see it yourself.
26. A mother is a person who believes in you, even when you don’t believe in yourself.
27. A mother is a person who loves you unconditionally, no matter what.
28. A mother is a person who is always there for you, no matter what.
29. A mother is a person who makes you feel safe and loved.
30. A mother is a person who is always there to pick you up when you fall down.
31. A mother is a person who is always there to help you find your way.
32. A mother is a person who is always there to celebrate your successes.
33. A mother is a person who is always there to comfort you during your failures.
34. A mother is a person who is always there to love you unconditionally.
35. A mother is a person who is always there.

36. A mother is the most beautiful person in the world, even when she’s covered in spit-up and wearing yesterday’s clothes.
37. A mother is the strongest person in the world, even when she’s feeling weak and fragile.
38. A mother is the wisest person in the world, even when she’s making mistakes.
39. A mother is the most loving person in the world, even when she’s angry or frustrated.
40. A mother is a gift from God, and she should be cherished every day.

41. There is no love like a mother’s love. It is patient, kind, and always forgiving. It is a love

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