Good night quotes

1. Good night, sleep tight, and dream of all the good things in life.
2. May your dreams be as sweet as the chocolate you ate today.
3. As you drift off to sleep, know that you are loved and cherished.
4. May your pillow be soft and your blanket be warm.
5. Sleep tight, little one. Tomorrow is a big day.
6. Wishing you a good night and a sweet dream.
7. Good night, sleep well, and wake up refreshed tomorrow.
8. May the stars light your way to a good night’s sleep.
9. Close your eyes and let the peace of the night wash over you.
10. May your dreams be filled with happiness and love.
11. Good night, sleep tight, and don’t let the bedbugs bite.
12. Sweet dreams, my love.
13. Good night, sweetheart.
14. Sleep well, my angel.
15. Have a good night’s sleep.
16. Rest well, my friend.
17. Wishing you a restful night.
18. Good night and good luck.
19. Sleep tight and catch some Zs.
20. Nighty-night, sleep tight.
21. Sweet dreams, sleep tight.
22. Rest well, you deserve it.
23. Good night and pleasant dreams.
24. May your dreams be as beautiful as you are.
25. Good night, beautiful.
26. Sleep tight, handsome.
27. Have a good night’s sleep, my dear.
28. Wishing you a peaceful and restful night.
29. Good night and sweet dreams, my love.
30. Goodnight, sleep tight, and I’ll see you in the morning.
31. May your dreams be filled with all the things you love.
32. Good night, sleep tight, and don’t let the bedbugs bite.
33. Sweet dreams, my little one.
34. Sleep well, my sweet prince.
35. Wishing you a good night’s sleep, princess.
36. Good night, baby.
37. Sweet dreams, little one.
38. Rest well, my child.
39. May your dreams be filled with happiness and laughter.
40. Good night and sweet dreams, my little angel.
41. Sleep tight, my little love bug.
42. Wishing you a good night’s sleep, my little sunshine.
43. Good night, my little sweetheart.
44. Sweet dreams, my little pumpkin.
45. Rest well, my little one.
46. May your dreams be filled with all the things you love.
47. Good night, sleep tight, and don’t let the bedbugs bite.
48. Sweet dreams, my little one.
49. Sleep well, my sweet prince.
50. Wishing you a good night’s sleep, princess.
51. Good night, baby.
52. Sweet dreams, little one.
53. Rest well, my child.
54. May your dreams be filled with happiness and laughter.
55. Good night and sweet dreams, my little angel.
56. Sleep tight, my little love bug.
57. Wishing you a good night’s sleep, my little sunshine.
58. Good night, my little sweetheart.
59. Sweet dreams, my little pumpkin.
60. Rest well, my little one.
61. May your dreams be filled with all the things you love.
62. Good night, sleep tight, and don’t let the bedbugs bite.
63. Sweet dreams, my little one.
64. Sleep well, my sweet prince.
65. Wishing you a good night’s sleep, princess.
66. Good night, baby.
67. Sweet dreams, little one.
68. Rest well, my child.
69. May your dreams be filled with happiness and laughter.
70. Good night and sweet dreams, my little angel.
71. Sleep tight, my little love bug.
72. Wishing you a good night’s sleep, my little sunshine.
73. Good night, my little sweetheart.
74. Sweet dreams, my little pumpkin.
75. Rest well, my little one.
76. May your dreams be filled with all the things you love.
77. Good night, sleep tight, and don’t let the bedbugs bite.
78. Sweet dreams, my little one.

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