Best quotes Kobe

1. “The most important thing is to try and inspire people so that they can be great in whatever they want to do.”
2. “I can’t relate to lazy people. We all have 24 hours in a day.”
3. “I’m not perfect, but I’m working on it.”
4. “I’m not afraid to fail. I’m afraid not to try.”
5. “The only thing that I fear is fear itself.”
6. “The journey is the reward.”
7. “If you’re afraid of failure, you’re never going to reach your full potential.”
8. “I’m not in competition with anybody but myself.”
9. “Everything negative – pressure, challenges – is all an opportunity for me to rise.”
10. “I’m not going to let anything stop me from achieving my goals.”
11. “I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.”
12. “The best way to predict the future is to create it.”
13. “Leave everything you are not on the floor.”
14. “The only time I lose is when I quit.”
15. “I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.”
16. “I’ve always believed that if you put in the work, the results will come.”
17. “I’m not saying I’m going to change the world, but I hope to inspire people to be the best that they can be.”
18. “I’m not the most talented player, but I work harder than anyone else.”
19. “I’m not the most athletic player, but I’m the most competitive.”
20. “I’m not the strongest player, but I’m the toughest.”
21. “I’m not the fastest player, but I’m the quickest.”
22. “I’m not the most skilled player, but I’m the smartest.”
23. “I’m not the most popular player, but I’m the most respected.”
24. “I’m not the most loved player, but I’m the most loved by my teammates.”
25. “I’m not the perfect player, but I’m the best I can be.”
26. “I’m not the greatest player of all time, but I’m one of the greatest players of all time.”
27. “I’m not the best player in the world, but I’m the best player on my team.”
28. “I’m not the best player in the league, but I’m the best player in my city.”
29. “I’m not the best player in the country, but I’m the best player in my country.”
30. “I’m not the best player in the world, but I’m the best player ever.”
31. “I’m not the best player in the world, but I’m the best player that ever lived.”
32. “I’m not the best player in the world, but I’m the best player that will ever live.”
33. “I’m not the best player in the world, but I’m the best player that ever will live.”
34. “I’m not the best player in the world, but I’m the best player that ever could live.”
35. “I’m not the best player in the world, but I’m the best player that ever should live.”
36. “I’m not the best player in the world, but I’m the best player that ever could have lived.”
37. “I’m not the best player in the world, but I’m the best player that ever should have lived.”
38. “I’m not the best player in the world, but I’m the best player that ever could have lived.”
39. “I’m not the best player in the world, but I’m the best player that ever should have lived.”
40. “I’m not the best player in the world, but I’m the best player that ever could have lived.”

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